Corrie's Books

Books by Corrie ten Boom for which all rights are the property of the Corrie ten Boom Fonds.

Amazing Love CLC Publications
Common Sense Not Needed CLC Publications
Defeated Enemies CLC Publications
Marching Orders for the End Battle CLC Publications
Not Good if Detached CLC Publications
Plenty for Everyone CLC Publications
A Prisoner and Yet CLC Publications
Tramp for the Lord CLC Publications
Each New Day Baker Publishing House
Not I, but Christ Baker Publishing House
Prison Letters CLC Publications
In My Father’s House Lighthouse Trails Publishing, inc.
The Best is Yet to Be
Clippings from My Notebook
Corrie’s Christmas Memories
Don’t Wrestle, Just Nestle
Father ten Boom, God’s Man Lighthouse Trails Publishing, inc.
Jesus is Victor – He sets the Captives Free (for prisoners) Lighthouse Trails Publishing, inc.
Jesus is Victor – He Cares, He Comforts (for those who are ill, or grieving) Lighthouse Trails Publishing, inc.
Jesus is Victor – Don’t Wrestle, Just Nestle (about the Christian and worry) Lighthouse Trails Publishing, inc.
Prayers and Promises for Every Day
This Day is the Lord’s (daily devotional book)
A Tramp Finds a Home (Corrie ten Boom’s last book, a slim volume)

Requests to publish new books or translations can be made to our e-mail address: It is our desire that books by Corrie ten Boom now out of print become available again. We therefore welcome contact from publishers interested in bringing any of her books back in print.

The hiding place

The book The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill, is her best known work. Over the years since the book’s first publication in English in 1971, there have been approximately thirty editions in other languages. Not all foreign contracts are now current, so the languages will not be listed here. How grateful we are for the worldwide outreach on the subject of forgiveness, which is the book’s main theme. The rights to The Hiding Place book are held by Chosen Books LLC in the United States.

Inquiries regarding foreign editions or dramatic adaptations of The Hiding Place in any language may be directed to: